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But is it not the main purpose of gdaltransform to transform a lot of points into another coordinate system? Can anybody help me? This message contains information from the State of California, California Geological Survey, which may be privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. But I can't save it to a file. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: gdaltransform

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python - How to call gdaltransform with its input? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange

In that case, try: Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Download and run the OSGeo4W installer: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. But is it not the main purpose of gdaltransform to transform a lot of points into another coordinate system?


Free forum by Nabble. The output file is always empty. You redirection syntax seems ok On Tue, Oct 23, at 9: Command gdaltransfomr 46' returned non-zero exit status 2 I'm not sure of the correct way of doing this.

[gdal-dev] Problem in using gdaltransform

The ogr2ogr gdaltrnasform is useful for converting vector map files to different formats. I'm trying to use this in a python program, and it seems like I need the input in the same command. Seismic Hazards Zonation Program. First call I received an error ValueError: See full list of gdalinfo options.

gdaltransform(1) - Linux man page

The command takes the form: How to call gdaltransform with its input? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. But I can't save it to a file.


I tried that, with no success - the file is still empty. Improving the question-asking experience. Sign up using Email and Password.

Hi, I have a problem redirecting the output of gdaltransform into a text file. Ernest Menville; Hugo Benicio; [hidden email] Subject: I had only tested with Linux. Tuesday, October 23, 7: Yes, the output without redirection is correct: I'm new to GIS, gadltransform this work for any reference system?

Post as a guest Name. Gdaltransforn Tue, Oct 23, at 9: This also includes QGIS.

GDAL - Dev - [gdal-dev] gdaltransform - output into textfile

How do we handle problem users? The gdaltransform program converts map images between different projections, for example, from the British National Grid to the Global Spherical Mercator projection. Change the projection of raster map images with gdaltransform The gdaltransform program converts map images between different projections, for example, from the British National Grid to the Global Spherical Mercator projection.

I have a problem redirecting the output of gdaltransform into a text file. Le jeudi 25 octobre You redirection syntax seems ok. Using GDAL commands to view, convert, and reproject maps The GDAL command line programs allow simple ways of viewing and converting between different image formats, or changing map projections.

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